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With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator




Meet the Monterey Cypress in La Jolla, CA that inspired a favorite childhood story.

Tree Stories - EP 2 background


With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator




Meet the Monterey Cypress in La Jolla, CA that inspired a favorite childhood story.

Tree Stories Episodes:
Monterey Cypress EP2



Tyler Hill
ISA Certified Arborist UT-4431A

Monterey Cypress
Cupressus macrocarpa

UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. Its not. – The Lorax

The Monterey Cypress is a coniferous (evergreen) tree that is found in the genus Cupressus of the Cupressaceas (Cypress) family. A true Cypress, the leaves are scale-like and produced in a loose, circular spray around the shoot. This cypress produces cones that are composed of six to eight scales. This tree has become an iconic tree of the California coast and exposed coasts of Europe, with an incredible ability to withstand the exposure to the salty winds. The Monterey Cypress can reach heights of 80 to even 130 feet tall if in a prime location, but individual trees are often stunted by the extreme costal conditions. I think Dr. Seuss identified this tree in a great unique way. Young trees are symmetrical and almost with a shrub like look to them, with age the “Truffula” Monterey Cypress tree grows and displays a dense crown or as he said a tuft at the top.

The Monterey Cypress grows in USDA zones 8-10, and will not withstand frost. Likes the humid atmosphere. This Cypress likes the sun and easily grows in most soil types that are well drained. Water needs are low to average, is a great tree for a windbreaker or screen, low maintenance and little to no pruning is required.

“And I first saw the trees! The Truffula trees! The bright-colored tufts of the Truffula trees! Mile after mile in the fresh morning breeze.” Dr. Seuss The Monterey Cypress is a fun and very unique tree formed from the wind and elements around. Let us all be like the Lorax, speak for the trees!

Tree Stories - EP 2
Tree Stories - EP 2 Monterey Cypress
Tree Stories Episodes: