Tree Stories - EP 6 background



With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator




Elliott sets out to find if trees have knees as he discovers the Bald Cypress in Ullin, IL.

Tree Stories - EP 6 background


With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator




Elliott sets out to find if trees have knees as he discovers the Bald Cypress in Ullin, IL.

Tree Stories Episodes:

Bald Cypress knees

Bald Cypress



Tyler Hill
ISA Certified Arborist UT-4431A

Bald Cypress
Taxodium distichum

Many may know this tree as a Swamp Cypress because of its commonplace in wetland areas while others may know it as a Bald Cypress because of its deciduous habit. You read that right – this large conifer actually sheds its needles in late autumn, making it one of only a few genera of deciduous conifers. With its rusty brown or bright yellow needles in the fall or striking bright green needles in spring, the often-beautiful Taxodium distichum can provide very interesting and versatile landscape appeal.

​The Taxodium distichum grows naturally in wet conditions. The tree can tolerate having its roots submerged for several months but keep in mind that roots need a few things to help the tree survive: water, nutrients, and oxygen. So, if the roots of the Swamp cypress were submerged, it would receive enough water and nutrients but not much oxygen. In that scenario, the tree will produce special aerial roots called pneumatophores, otherwise known as “knees,” which provide oxygen to the roots.

The Bald cypress can be expected to successfully grow in USDA zones 4-10, reach 50-70 feet tall and spread about 25 feet at maturity. While many may be familiar finding this tree in the swamp, the Bald Cypress does quite well when planted in the right place and right soil. It’s not only adaptable in wet or dry conditions but it can withstand flooding. If this tree sounds like something you would like to plant, please reach out to your local certified arborist for assistance. And remember, take care of the trees, because they take care of us.

Tree Stories - EP6 Bald Cypress
Tree Stories - EP 6 Bald Cypress
Tree Stories Episodes: