Tree Stories - EP 4 background



With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator



Elliott rides into Skull Valley, Arizona in search of the largest Fremont Cottonwood in the United States.

Tree Stories - EP 4 background


With Elliott Bambrough, The Tree Narrator




Elliott rides into Skull Valley, Arizona in search of the largest Fremont Cottonwood in the United States.

Tree Stories Episodes:


Cottonwood tree



Tyler Hill
ISA Certified Arborist UT-4431A

Fremont Cottonwood
Populus Fremontii

It’s said that Native Americans would eat the inner bark of the Fremont cottonwood to prevent or cure scurvy. The bark and leaves were also combined to relieve swelling, treat cuts, or help with headaches and even saddle sores. When I think of an old western movie, it’s easy to picture the Fremont cottonwood in that rustic country town where the Populus fremontii is a native species. You’d find it along low elevation stream channels that are constantly wet or moist. And all those fence posts you might see in that old western movie probably also came from this tree.

​Today, the Fremont cottonwood is used along banks of water for protection, wildlife food as well as shelter and shade for the livestock and facilities. It’s also very good for a windbreak or a big shade tree in the back of your property.

A fast grower, the Fremont cottonwood can live over 100 years and can reproduce easily from cuttings. The tree has a USDA zone of 3-8 and can handle moist but well-drained soils. This tree will show off its mass through a trunk with a large circumference and a total height reaching more than 100 feet tall.

If the Fremont cottonwood is used in landscapes for ornamental purposes, know that the roots can be aggressive with structures and pipes. Remember where its natural habitat comes from on the banks of the rivers enjoying all that water, so give this tree room to grow and show off its broad crown. If you’re thinking of adding a Fremont cottonwood in your area, reach out to your local certified arborist to see if it is a good fit. And always, take care of the trees as they take care of us.

Tree Stories - EP 4 Cottonwood
Tree Stories - EP 4 Cottonwood
Tree Stories Episodes: