Uniformity Pro™ Software

Uniformity ProIn their efforts to accurately predict sprinkler performance, irrigation design professionals, dealers and distributors, on-site farmers, and orchard irrigation system operators have traditionally relied on “rules of thumb” and various manufacturers’ diameter/radius of throw versus pressure data charts. These methods were also used to predict sprinkler patterns and application rates before or after sprinklers were installed in a agricultural applications.

As we all know, no one spacing fits all crops or applications. Different crops demand different sprinkler spacing to be successful in our ever changing agricultural communities.

Uniformity Pro is an online selection tool that helps you pick the best Rain Bird LF™ Series nozzle and deflector combination for your agricultural irrigation needs. Simply enter your spacing and watering requirements.  Within seconds, Uniformity Pro will create a detailed results report with the best distribution uniformity combinations listed first.

If you are a planner, designer, or specifier, Uniformity Pro™ can be used in combination with CIT SPACE™ to create single leg profiles and densograms for your proposals and presentations.

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