New Features

Version:  4.1.1106.X

August 18th, 2022

Station Diagnostic
When on the map, simply select a station by clicking on it. From the pop-up menu, select “Station Diagnostic”


CirrusPRO station diagnostic menu

A new window will open and display the historical results for Status Polls on that station. In the example below, we can see that it did not pass that test twice on June 15th 2021. From this screen, you can run a status poll by clicking on “Run Test” in the top right corner. 

Cirruspro station diagnostic historical status poll

You can also select the “ICM Voltage” test from this drop down. In this example, the station was tested 126 times and passed each time (see below).

Cirruspro station diagnostic icm  voltage test

Rain Watch™ Widget

It is now possible to add a “Rain Watch™” widget to your dashboard. This widget will display live information from all your rain cans as well as their status (paused, shutdown, etc.). In the example below, we see the widget for a system with 5 rain cans. Four show activity. Rain Can #1 and #2 have reached their Pause threshold. Rain Can #3 has also received rain but has not yet reached its Pause threshold. Rain can #4 has reach its Shutdown threshold while rain can #5 has not registered any rain yet.

Cirruspro rain watch widget

Weather Station Widget

It is now possible to display the live weather information from a compatible Rain Bird weather station directly in a widget. The data displayed in the widget is always up to the moment. If you own multiple weather stations, then multiple widgets can be displayed, each of them connected to one of your stations.

CirrusPRO weather station widget

Edit Rotation Speed

Users may choose to add a custom rotation speed in place of the “Catalog Rate”.  When entering a Custom Rate, be sure to set the number of seconds for a 360-degree rotation.  For example, if a part circle rotor set to a 90-degree arc takes 45 seconds to complete one pass, the Custom Rate should be set to 180 seconds (4 x 45 = 180).  Editing a Custom Rotation Rate may be done using either the station edit menu or by selecting a group of stations and performing a Batch Edit.

CirrusPRO edit rotation speed

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