Put Your Summer Watering on Autopilot

Woman tending to garden

Keeping your plants hydrated during the hot summer months can be a challenge for any gardener. Watering by hand can be time-consuming and inconsistent, leading to thirsty plants and wasted water. But with drip irrigation, you can put your daily summer plant-watering on autopilot, ensuring your plants get the water they need while freeing up your time for other summer activities (or no activities at all). In this article, we'll take a closer look at how you can use Rainbird drip irrigation systems to automate this mundane task, to make every day feel like a vacation. 

Why Drip Irrigation is Increasing in Popularity

Drip irrigation systems are quickly becoming popular among homeowners who want to water their plants without constant attention and wasting water. These systems work by delivering water directly to the base of the plants, where they need it most, avoiding evaporation, over- or underwatering that can lead to overuse of water or the demise of your beloved plants. The benefits of using drip irrigation systems include saving water, saving time, and providing a more consistent moisture level to your plants. This means you can take that last-minute trip to the lake for the weekend (or week) without fear of losing your plants and garden to the heat and without the added cost of hiring someone to water them each day.

Simple Drip Irrigation Projects

There are several different drip irrigation projects you can use to help put your watering on autopilot. Some of the simplest projects include creating a single dripper system for container plants or creating a soaker hose drip irrigation system for a raised garden bed. There are also systems for spot-watering areas of your landscaping. For even more convenience, Rain Bird offers many of these systems as kits

Since many people have outdoor plants in containers at some point during the year, let’s walk through the selection process and use of Rainbird automatic drip systems for container plants:

How to Plan and Set Up an Automatic Drip Watering System for Container Plants

If you have container plants, you can use an automated drip watering system to keep them watered without having to do it manually. An automatic drip irrigation system for containers works by placing a drip line into the container and attaching it to a timer that will water the plants at specific times. All you need to do is set the timer, and your plants will receive the water they need without any effort from you. Read more about setting up drip watering systems for containers here.

If you have  several containers in a larger area that you want to irrigate, you can create a specific automatic drip watering system to suit your specific needs. This involves creating a plan for the system and deciding on the best materials to use. Once you have a plan in place, you can begin setting up the system by installing the necessary components and connecting them to a timer or controller.

How Long Should Your Plants Be Watered?

It is essential to know how long to water your container plants when using an automatic drip watering system. The length of time your plants should be watered will depend on the type of plants you have, the size of the container, and the weather conditions. Generally, container plants should be watered for 20-30 minutes at a time, once daily.

Here are some additional tips to help ensure your drip irrigation system's success:

  • Choose the right system for your container’s (or garden’s) size and layout.
  • Group plants with similar watering needs together.
  • Monitor the soil moisture regularly to avoid over or under-watering.
  • Adjust the system as needed to account for changing weather conditions.
  • Clean the emitters regularly to prevent clogging.

Watering your summer plants doesn’t have to be a chore. Using Rainbird drip irrigation systems and setting up an automatic watering schedule, you can put watering on autopilot and let your plants thrive. With its precise delivery system and water-saving features, drip irrigation leaves you more time to enjoy your outdoor space. With a little planning and some basic equipment, you can set up a drip irrigation system that will keep your plants happy and healthy all season long.

woman and man gardening

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