MI Series™ Mobile Controllers

Mobile Controller

Remote access to your central control is as convenient as the Internet, with MI Series mobile control. This software runs on your central control computer to provide remote irrigation control via a web-enabled device or smart phone. 

Rain Bird MI Series mobile controllers are designed to work on a web enabled mobile device with Internet connectivity and offer greater remote operation capabilities than anything else available. 




When connected to the Internet, up to nine (9) remote users can simultaneously control sprinklers and programs, review system activity or directly change settings on both sprinklers and irrigation programs.
All activity is logged at the central control for convenient review.
MI Series mobile controllers also include the MI FREEDOM user interface. MI FREEDOM provides two smartphone interfaces for users to implement traditional FREEDOM commands.


System Requirements
Central control system computer must be running Windows® XP, Windows 7, Windows 10 32 bit or higher
Internet connection to the central control
Web-enabled mobile device with a data plan

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